Economic Turmoil Leaves Thousands Homeless at Disney's Front Door - Inside the Magic

2022-06-15 15:30:53 By : Ms. lyre yang

disney should be ashamed of themselves making somebody work for them for over 28 years and not allow them to leave and try to make more money somewhere else! shame on you disney!

Ummmm, NO ONE is “making” anyone work anywhere. She’s had 28 years to find another job.

I’m pretty sure the original post was being sarcastic.

It is not Disney’s job or fault. She can look for another job. That’s what I did.

If you want a job that pays more than get one that requires an education or needs highly desirable skills. Dont understand why people think they should get paid more for a job that can be done with none of the above.

my employer requires a 4 year degree and starting pay is $19 an hour. it’s not her fault. they should pay her more after 20+ years. all companies don’t want to pay. if pay kept up with living cost minimum wage would be around $35 an hour right now. Now it takes 2 people in a household to make that much. we are becoming a 3rd world country.

Minimum wage jobs were never meant to live off of! Those jobs, like fast food or retail were meant for teenagers to earn some pocket money while going to school and living with mom and dad. They were also something for retirees to have to stay busy. Nevereant for raising kids and paying mortgages! For crying out loud if you don’t like what they pay find a real job!

Getting a better education cost more too. I have never been offered more money for a job because I have a degree. Disney pays their CO’S a fortune. They can share the wealth. The park wouldn’t run if it weren’t for these people.

So the guys sweeping up popcorn should earn as much as a CEO? Please…

I partially agree with your statement. Anyone who works at full-time job should be able to live. I didn’t say afford luxury, but at the very least, live. All employers need to pay their employees a wage that is in line with the economy.

How is it the employee’s fault that Disney is exploiting their workers? All companies are for profit – and if every company claims that they don’t have to pay a fair wage because the employee can go work somewhere else, no company will pay an affordable wage. If it wasn’t for minimum wage laws, companies would be paying us less even less, that’s why it exists. So your argument is out the window. Don’t defend corporate for extortion.

Not everyone has the luxury of just moving jobs, why can’t they just pay them more?

If they work in a non skilled position such as foods, merchandise, attractions, those aren’t the type jobs to raise a family on and they are reaping the results of not educating themselves so as to get a better job. If they are working in a skilled position they would make more.

You can’t just lump foods in with your list. I understand if your talking about fast food but I have a culinary degree which comes in handy for the restaurant I work at

Amen! You reap what you sow. Working minimum wage jobs is fine if you are still living with mom and dad and trying to find your calling. Not for paying a mortgage and raising a family! Either seek a degree or apprenticeship in something like plumbing if you want more out of life.

Not everyone has time to go to college. If you read the article, over half of Disney’s employees are parents. You’re not going to be able to work full time, finish college in a reasonable amount of time, and be a responsible parent all at once. A job is a job and there aren’t enough college jobs for every adult in the country. College graduates are even struggling to find work these days. You need to remember that if someone has a child and the parent has no opportunity to make more money, who is really suffering? The child or the parent? You think the child deserves to suffer because the parent can’t afford to go to college? You’re sick. No one deserves not to be paid fairly. Anything less than fair is not fair and therefore needs to be changed. Life might not be fair but that isn’t an excuse when someone has the ability and option to make it fair.

and how is that the company’s fault?

Entitlement-minded people believe doing a job requiring minimal skills and knowledge should pay more than a licensed practical nurse makes in most of the US. That is ridiculous.

A full-time employee working 40-hour weeks earns $41,600. My spouse is an LPN with over 25 years in the field. The pay is $43K per year.

Should people working at hotels on the beach make $65/hr enabling them to afford an apartment close to their job? I am not sure $135,200/yr is enough for rent along most beaches. You definitely will not qualify for a mortgage on that salary.

What was that, CaptAmerics? Oh! They ought to rent an apartment 45 to 60 minutes from the beach and commute to work. Nah! Why be logical? It is much more fun to cry about the inequities of not listening to people tell them that education and hard work will help you earn more money. It is likely not a great idea to secure a BA in LGBTQ+ graphic novel art history. Like that degree screams, “Hire me!”

Plus, everyone should have the benefit of working within walking distance of their job no matter what their job is.

I paid my way through college with no assistance from anyone earning $3.15 per hour for 30 hours per week. Plus, I drove a school bus route and refereed and umpired baseball, basketball, and football.

I retired almost 23 years ago. Maybe I should contact the retirement office and ask for a larger pension because I want a custom-built beachfront house with six bedrooms, six bathrooms, and a guest cottage with four and four.

How long do you think they will laugh at me? How long will I laugh at myself?

If you make more money, prices increase. No company will give away its profit because the shareholders would revolt, tanking the stock and doing away with your jobs.

Disney should be ashamed of terminating gunnery Sergeant Ernest Napier who takes the flag down for 29 years never miss the day never was late one time and they terminated him for holding the flag close to his chest when he took it down,Google Gunnery Sgt Earniest Napper!

Ha, all these people move to Florida thinking it’s all beaches, sunshine, Disney and no state income tax. If you don’t come with generational wealth or a job making $30/hr you’ll never make it here. A less than 1acre parcel of bare land in a swampy area down the road from my house just sold for $95000. It’s dry right now but the old single wide they are putting in will be an island in a lake in a couple months.

Uhm most places are expensive to live. We left RI for Florida. Yes the pay sucks but we are comfortable. Much higher to live in RI and everything about the state sucks

The homeless were homeless BEFORE coming to Florida. They just prefer it here because it’s warmer. They make enough panhandling etc for 1 way bus tickets

Thank you, but can we quit lumping homeless and bums into the same category too? Orlando area has alot of bums and always has! True homeless people are dwn on their luck, but will eventually find a way up and out. Bums never were and never will be anything. They are content to be bums and nothing more.

Not Disney’s fault. I thought of moving to Florida for the weather. But it cheaper to live in Oklahoma. A nice brick 3 bedroom house with a quarter acre backyard for less the $50,000 property tax less then $300.00.. I wanted Florida I could afford Oklahoma.

Inside the “Magic” only shares Bad News these days. Used to be fun as a Disney guy. Fun no mo! Enough bad news already.

What’s suppose to be the happiest place on earth is actually the wettest place on earth with its constant rainy days daily on and off and hrs of waiting on line for each ride making it average 5 rides to enjoy per day. Best to visit once ever 3 years if you can even afford that.

Wait!? People uprooted their lives to move closer to Disney because they thought it would somehow magically solve solve their life problems? And without scoping out housing prices before doing so? Who does that!? Disney is a fairytale themed park, I mean wtf!?

People move there thinking because Florida is so tourist-dependent, they will be able to get jobs so they can support their families. You’re sadly out of touch with reality.

Disney is no pla e to work.They treat their people like dirt and pay them nothing.My wife works there She has been there for 15 years.The worker feels obligated and Disney has a if you don’t like it leave attitude.

My mom, as a retiree, did work for Disney for a while. She enjoyed it for a while, but grew tired of the poor treatment from middle and upper management so she went elsewhere. No one forces you or anyone else to work there. If you don’t like it find something else and leave. Why stay? Plenty of now hiring signs in Florida.

Disney’s wages are $14. Florida’s minimum wage is $11. Most places will be paying the minimum so Disney is actually a better place to make more money. The problem isn’t the place employees are working at, it’s that $14 an hour isn’t enough for Orlando or the surrounding areas. If someone is working for Disney, it’s because they can’t afford to gain better skills to work somewhere else for more money and no one is willing to pay someone with basic skills a living wage. I don’t care what anyone says, but people get jobs to live and any job that doesn’t pay you enough to live is just volunteering. End of discussion.

We boycott everything Disney for everything it has become. I do not need our grandchildren indoctrinated to believe that Wokeism is “normal”

I have news for you. Treating people with respect isn’t “wokeism”. It’s being a human being

Before you post a very unintelligent message, You should do a very small research on the definition of woke… Just Google it

Yeah. God forbid we see everyone as equal, deserving of respect, earning a living wage, and having access to necessary goods and services regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, level of education, what kind of job they have, or their political beliefs. Being aware of the current issues that plague our society isn’t a bad thing. Conservatives want to go back to the 1800s when only rich white men could vote or own property, women had no rights, and people of color only counted as 3/5 of a person. No thank you.

Check your history. Your description of everything wrong from the 19th century was brought about by democrats.

Done with Disney. They are getting what they deserve. America is sock of paying those prices! I am Boycotting Disney like everyone else is!

We left Florida in 1989. There are high sales taxes , ridiculous homeowners ins and a list of reasons not to live there. Don’t blame Disney

Can’t be any worse than Illinois property taxes.

The article was relevant and observant of the current situation in FL as a whole, however I believe the data provided in the article was incorrect. The article discusses Disney World, but the data discusses Disney Land. World is in FL and Land is in CA.

At cedar point we get a platinum pass for around 200 long with a meal and drink for around 265 I can enjoy all the cedar fair parks. Way better value than Disney!

I agree, Cedar Parks such as Kjngs Island are awesome. Way better then Disney Parks.

I see a lot of comments here from bootstrappers who think we all have the same opportunities, options, and support systems. They judge people for where they are without even trying to understand why they ended up in that situation. They ignore the fact that poverty is a self-perpetuating cycle. You can’t get ahead without money, and you can’t make enough money to get ahead without a good job. Not everyone can afford to go to college. Not everyone is college material. If every Disney employee went back to school and got a degree so they could make more money, who would take their place at the park? Conservatives seem to forget the service industry is an essential part of our economy. Without all the people who work in that industry, conservatives who demean them would have to clean their own homes, mow their own grass, watch their own children, make their own coffee, cook their own food, do their own dishes, wash their own cars, grow/harvest/prepare/store their own food, and a multitude of other things. Everyone deserves to be paid a living wage. Anyone who says otherwise has no conscience or morals.

Exactly. In the “good old days” they want to go back to, janitors and store clerks owned small ranch homes and could support a family on a single income. People need to stop being shills for the super wealthy and realize that wage stagnation is the problem, not “wokeism” or any of the other catchphrases being thrown around to stir up the red meaters these days. A 28-year-employee shouldn’t still be making under $20 an hour when dinner at McDonalds costs you over $10. If you can’t afford to simply live, and you still work 40 hours a week, that’s a simple wage stagnation problem not a “lazy you” problem.

So exactly how much do you think dinner will cost at McDonalds if all the people flipping the burgers and pouring soft drinks are making a livable wage? It’s not gonna be $10 I promise.

It is a lazy you problem if you stayed in the same dead end low paying job for nearly 30 years! Why would you do that? Why did you never seek promotion? Why wouldn’t you seek out something else?

I have a conscience and morals and even I know that you can’t have a sustainable economy that pays everybody a living wage. It’s simple economics. There are lots of people who grew up in poverty who actually made an effort to better themselves and succeeded. There’s a large group of the population today that don’t want to work to make themselves better. They see somebody else who did and feel entitled to reap the same benefits of them. I know their wall is full of participation trophies and they grew up hearing how great they are, but thats not how real life works.

I agree with you. People are saying to get college degrees. I have a Bachelors and can’t even find a job making more then 16$. which is sad because Mcd pays $18 with no experience yet I’ve paid thousands on an education that gets me low pay.

People complain they can’t make a “living wage” as a Disney employee. You don’t need four yrs of college to earn decent money. Learn a trade – plumbing, Hvac, carpentry, etc. etc. Don’t be another one of the millions going to college for Comminications, Criminal Justice or Psychology! And don’t even think about wasting even more time and money going on to Law School. Prepare well, execute better. Or don’t complain that $15.00/hr. is beneath you.

Umm… I’m a Conservative and my husband and I do all the things you listed for OURSELVES. No one is our keeper except ourselves so your mentally of Conservatives is way off. We don’t depend on anyone to get us through life. Neither one of us had the privilege of a college education. We work hard for the little we have. And just like most of the US, we struggle financially also.

Communist much? No, not everyone deserves to be paid a living wage. Some jobs were not designed to make a living from. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, until they prove otherwise. Everyone deserves equal opportunity, not equality of outcome. Not everyone should go to college. There are still jobs that offer apprenticeships. Skilled jobs are still out there for those willing to learn and look. Too many though want what those jobs offer, but would rather stay in low stress low skill so they don’t have to put forth effort.

my employer requires a 4 year degree and starting pay is $19 an hour. it’s not her fault. they should pay her more after 20+ years. all companies don’t want to pay. if pay kept up with living cost minimum wage would be around $35 an hour right now. Now it takes 2 people in a household to make that much. we are becoming a 3rd world country.

again . . . . a job that basically requires no skill and minimum training shouldn’t pay enough for you to raise a family, if you want a higher paying job get an education or learn a skill thats in demand

Homeless come to Orlando/Disney World and discover that they are still homeless. That state supports are almost non existence. They will leave with the first bad hurricane and hot summer.

Here’s my 2 cents (which is equivalent to $750 Disney Dollars).I know many who work for Disney, every day they whine ad nauseum of their employer created misery. And I know many who work for Comcast at Universal. Unless asked, you never hear their thoughts on their employer… Y? Because no one who enjoys their job talks endlessly about it on their days off, they’re too busy enjoying life. Disney is all about the “magic” but once you learn the secret to any trick, wonder is destroyed.

As for the homeless – currently the prices are as they are because everyone moved to Florida because our Governor (like him or loathe him) kept the state’s economy going. Disney didn’t create the homeless situation, all the 49ers seeking their gold fortune and wanting freedom from lockdown did…. Just like the years rent rose when foreign buyers showed up with cash in hand following the housing crash of ’08. There is an end to all of this… When the mass exodus of brick and mortar and hospitality workers happens, housing prices drop… And anyone who thought a $15 an hour minimum wage would create a living wage is an idi*t… Well, had it been done quietly it may have. Do people not understand that if every boss says “Sure I’ll double your pay but to do so I have to charge triple for what I sell” the end result is… Well, what we’re experiencing. BTW I’ve been a server in 2 prime tourist areas, Fort Lauderdale & here in Orlando over the past 20 years. I work for an upper-casual chain (average per guest is around $35 – $40) about 32 – 36 hours a week. I make just under 6 figures. I hire and train all new servers… Of the 40 I interview and/or give a chance about 1 doesn’t suck. No shortage of jobs just a shortage of quality applicants.

Here’s my suggestion if you’re homeless in Orlando. Move your car to an area that is within your budget and look for work there… Ocala isn’t far. Alabama anyone?

Very well said. You are on point. Those complaining need some self reflection and less blaming everybody else.

Just been to Disney Orlando and it definitely shows signs of decadence though yet subtle ones: most articles in shops are missing sizes (which I thought was due to covid commercial restrictions) , cast members before always smiling and ready to help now frequently lost in their thoughts , some articles before always new and idle as wheelchairs for guests are now charged and not at all the best… etc etc etc

So sad at least since my childhood it has been a wonderful time that spent in Disney parks, hope they soon recover their traditional high standards

Greed. Plain & simple. Florida needs rent control. My son is a mechanic & even on his salary, he can’t afford to buy or rent on his own. I’m retired military & I still have to work a side job to make ends meet. My landlord just raised my rent again, $100mo. Corporate greed, nothing is trickling down.

I was born and raised in Florida. My family goes back to 1843. I moved away to South Carolina when I was 20. My brother, the only family I have left, still lives there. The only reason he can survive is because he bought his home back in the late 1980’s before prices went sky high. That’s the only way you can live comfortably there. Too many people move to Florida thinking it’s the promised land! If you’re a retiree who has a huge savings acct and sold your house up North you have the money to live there but only if you want to live in a mobile home in the country. I don’t understand blaming Disney for the economic woes. There are other tourist spots that do the same thing-pay low salaries and make huge profits. It’s called big business. They aren’t charities. The homeless need to move on to a different states with lower cost Of living cause it won’t be Florida.

This is not as simple as people driving down here thinking they’d be able to get a wonderful life only to find things are too expensive. People living in these camps and begging for money aren’t working. But don’t think someone has abandoned them. ALL ALONG 192 there are fast food companies hiring at $15/hr, and these people are begging for money outside those same establishments. They aren’t working by choice.

The economic turmoil around COVID was a choice. Authoritarians in this country shut the nation down over a disease that overwhelmingly targets the vulnerable, and as Sweden proved without the lockdowns it was entirely futile. Trillions borrows and printed to cope with a downturn that didn’t prevent the disease spreading, and a vaccine that doesn’t stop transmission or infection have all been a gigantic waste of time and resources.

Guess who could have benefited from the growth and prosperity we squandered?

Omg! A voice of reason! Way to go Pablo!

20 years honorably serving the United States Marine corps 29 years of taking the flag down every night in Disneyland never laid a day never miss the day and Disneyland terminated him for holding the flag close to his chest, this is going viral Google going to resurgence Ernest Napper the last voice you hear every night in Disneyland! Deployed twice to Afghanistan once to Iraq and honorable Marine with integrity many veterans are going to boycott Disneyland!

Also working for Disney is not the same as working for McDonald’s or Burger King. Disney is an experience where every cast member has the constant expectation to do and take certain actions for hours at a time while also doing the regular job. I’ve known people who have worked for Disney. They all often use the term as working for the Iron Mouse. They should be paid more for the effort required to do the job. Also stop assuming people have the options you had. Not everyone does. Should those people be homeless and starve simply because they couldn’t get a degree or apprenticeship? What about those with physical or mental disabilities that are enough to keep them from heavy labor jobs but not enough for disability? Because that happens. If a person is working 40+ hours a week they should get a living wage. Enough to pay the average set of bills and such because at that point they are spending the time and effort that a second job is either very difficult or impossible to take. Stop giving companies excuses to just screw people over.

At $ 20 a hour, working 40 hours a week that EquLs $ 41,000 a year, while people on Social Security are lucky to be making $ 18.000, ( and have house, car insurance and in some cases children ,as well as the rest of the regular bills ). Maybe she is living above her means ( As I’ve been told by Welfare before ) , if she feels she is not making enough, there are Job Recruiters who can get her other jobs, while she is at work or at home.

Housing is so expensive in these areas that the average employee of Disney can not afford to live anywhere in the area which creates a problem for Disney because if they have no employees they have no business…our daughter worked there for 6 months we had to pay her rent which cost more than she earned in a month working full time…that is a problem!

The Pandemic isn’t to blame as much as govt policies.

Ok? So quit working there… When they can’t make money cause nobody wants to work for them, they will change. Economics 101

Não estou entendendo! Estou em Orlando e não vi moradores de rua na US192. O que mais vejo são placas em todas as lojas e restaurantes contratando. A oferta de emprego é tão grande que fiquei impressionada. Em contrapartida os preços estão elevados.

No and for that very reason. Rent prices in the state of Florida have made it where I can only pay my household bills.. gone are the weekends with our annual passes. If something doesn’t stop this ridiculous rise in the cost of living we will surely see more homeless and people having to go without even the simplest pleasures.

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