State ends COVID mobile and home-based vaccination program | Health News |

2022-07-07 00:18:31 By : Ms. Helen Long

The state of New Hampshire had seven mobile vaccination clinic teams operating to provide COVID-19 vaccines and booster doses over the past year. The program ended June  30. (COURTESY PHOTO)

The state of New Hampshire had seven mobile vaccination clinic teams operating to provide COVID-19 vaccines and booster doses over the past year. The program ended June  30. (COURTESY PHOTO)

CONCORD — The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Mobile Vaccination Clinics and Homebased Vaccination Program closed last week with the end of COVID-19 federal funding June 30.

Also effective June 30, the 2-1-1 call center will no longer triage calls for COVID-19 and instead refer callers with COVID-19 inquiries to their primary care provider or to other resources.

As part of statewide efforts to meet the state’s vaccination needs, mobile vaccination teams and homebound vaccination services were established to make COVID-19 vaccinations as convenient as possible for New Hampshire residents.

Patricia Tilley, director of DHHS’ Division of Public Health Services, released a statement saying: “We are proud that we were able to host over 700 vaccination clinics and administer 37,000 doses through the mobile vaccination program. With the partnership of health-care providers, pharmacies and community resources, New Hampshire has weathered recent waves of COVID-19 with minimal disruption. New Hampshire residents trust their doctors, nurses and pharmacists to provide health recommendations for how to keep safe from COVID-19, including administering vaccines. But as we have done throughout the response, we are keeping a close eye on new COVID-19 variants as well as hospitalizations and deaths, and if additional vaccine resources are needed again in the future for boosters, the state will mobilize to fill gaps.”

The mobile vaccination clinics began in July 2021 with one mobile vaccination van, and eventually increased to seven teams as demand for vaccine and booster doses increased. COVID-19 vaccine and booster doses are now widely available much like other vaccinations: through provider offices, urgent care centers and pharmacies.

The Homebased Vaccination Program resumed in October 2021 to provide homebound residents easy access to COVID-19 vaccines. Going forward, homebound individuals who need a COVID-19 vaccine or booster dose should reach out to their local visiting nurses association. The Homebased Vaccination Program administered more than 2,100 doses to residents who have difficulty leaving their homes.

The 2-1-1 call center continues to serve as the state’s informational and referral helpline. However, as the volume of COVID-19-related calls has decreased significantly, the need for a staffed COVID-19 call center has come to an end. Since May 2021, 2-1-1 has assisted with close to 42,000 COVID-19-related phone calls.

For a map of where to find COVID-19 vaccines in New Hampshire, go to For information on COVID-19 in the state, go to

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